Published Software

5. Diagnia: Andriod App for Self-diagnosis of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disorders, Pneumonia, Hepatitis-C Infection, and Pregnancy

M. Abubakar, K. Altaf, W. Ahmed, M. Ahmed, D. Khan, S. N. Arshad, M. A. Uppal, and S. U. Chaudhary*

Installation: [Google Play Link]
 4. ATLANTIS: A MATLAB Toolbox for Attractor Landscape Analysis of Biomolecular Networks

O. S. Shah, M. F. A. Chaudhary, H. A. Awan, Z. Arshad, A. Bibi, M. Ahmed, H. Hameed, F. Fatima, M. Furqan, A. Faisal and S. U. Chaudhary*

Source Code:
 [Github Link]

Demo Video:
 [Youtube Playlist]
 3. SPECTRUM: A MATLAB Toolbox for Identifying Proteins from Top-down Proteomics Data

A. R. Basharat†, Z. Bibi†, R. Hussain, H. G. Kabir, A. Shahid, M. Humayun, H. A. Hayat, M. Mustafa, M. A. Shoaib, Z. Ullah, S. Zarina, S. Ahmed, E. Uddin, S. Hamera,  F. Ahmad and S. U. Chaudhary*

Source Code: [Github Link]

Demo Video: [Youtube Channel]
 2. TDGen : Mass Spectrum Generator for the Top-Down Proteomics Research

K. H. Kwon, S. U. Chaudhary, S. H. Kim , M. H. Hur , Y. S. Cho , H. S. Kim , and J. S. Yoo,

Project No. A0300003 (2008): Federal Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs, South Korea.
 1. 2D-EGIP: 2D Electrophoresis Gel Image Processor for MATLAB

U. Z. Ijaz, S. U. Chaudhary, S. M. Ahn, B. H. Lee, and K. Y. Kim,

Project No. S1005503 (2007): Federal Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, South Korea.
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