Zonaira Khalid

Research Interests
Senior Year Project: Meta-proteomics (May 2017 – June 2018)
”Understanding the environmental burden of the waste water and heavy metal analysis through the meta-proteome profiling of microbiota in Hudiara Drain”

Intern: Mass Tuner Version 2 for upgrading SPECTRUM – A Top Down proteomics software platform for Protein Identification and Quantitation(Jan, 2017 – Aug 2017)

Independent Study: Mass Tuner Version 2 for Upgrading SPECTRUM- A Top Down proteomics software platform for Protein Identification and Quantitation(Aug 24, 2016 – Dec. 2016)

Summer Intern: Interpretation and collection of data by using bioinformatics approaches (May 17, 2016 – Aug 23, 2016)
Instrumental & Protocol based errors of Mass Spectrometry,Proteomics

Proteomics, Mass Spectrometry


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